
A fantage blog that will make everything crystal clear

Fantage Farewell Party 2018

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Hey!! It’s been so long since i’ve been on this blog and posted about Fantage. Well, since I found out like 3 weeks ago about Fantage ending, I decided I will post again till it shuts down. School ends on the 12th of June, so i won’t be that active until after school ends because I have a lot of work due and I have to prepare for my ACT test on the 9th.

Now enough about me, let’s get down to the main event!


Screenshot 2018-06-02 at 11.36.29 AM

Now the farewell party has already passed so we dont need to know anything about it now cause it’s in the past…



But over here it says this…screenshot-2018-06-02-at-11-36-38-am-e1527956529375.png

It says,

” Dear Fantagians, After several wonderful years of wservice, http://www.fantage.com will be permanently closed on June 30,2018. We would like to encourage our Fantagians to continue enjoying the website as our services will remain open until the closing date. If there is time left on your premium membership or if you have virtual currency, you can use it during this time.

Our payment page and mobile apps have been closed. All recurring subscriptions have already been cancelled for your convenience and we will no longer accept payments as of 5/17/18. THANK YOU to all of you from across the world who have loved and supported Fantage. We are grateful that you have shared in this awesome journey with us. Thank you for being a part of the Fantage community. As our final gesture of gratitude for our Fantagians, all users will receive free premium membership starting 6/1/2018.

Sincerely, Fantage.com Team.”

As I was writing that, I ended up crying because Fantage has been a part of my childhood life… it’s sad how they are closing it down. Anyway, to summarize this up for those who are too lazy to read all that, it just says that the site will permanently close on June, 30 2018 and that payments will be cancelled and no longer accepted as of 5/17/18. Also to show their appreciation towards us players, Fantage is giving us all free premium membership starting 6/1/2018… which was yesterday!


Screenshot 2018-06-02 at 11.54.54 AMAnother thing that happened is this. A limited item will be release 10am and 4pm everyday.

Here are some limited items that I liked…


Most of the limited items you can easily get from Luckybot or from somewhere else. Here are some examples:

I looked at the price for all of them and every item is 2,000 gold.


Sucks how it’s all for 2,000 gold! I’m so broke I can’t afford for any of that. 😢😢


That’s all for our final event! Sad how Fantage has to end… I wish we could have a petition or something to bring back Fantage. But everything in life has an ending point. 😭😭

Let’s all have fun until the last day! When school’s over for me, i’ll be hosting a Fantage blogger’s hang out on Fantage! So stay tuned and look out for it on my site!



Author: CloverHeartz

Hi im Esha! I am the owner of FantageCrystalClear. I love drawing and writing, also love reading! And im an otaku. Also check out my blog Dreaming Destiny! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contact me at PengytessOfficial@gmail.com Instagram: Esha.xoxo or Eshap17 Snapchat: Esha-17 Wattpad: CloverHeartz Twitter: CloverHeartz Deviantart: Pengytess

One thought on “Fantage Farewell Party 2018

  1. Woweww I might get on later when I remember to


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